myProduct GmbH
Responsible for the content: myProduct GmbH
Company headquarter: A-3910 Zwettl, Karl Kastner-Straße 1
Office location: A-3300 Amstetten, Industriestraße 2
Company register number: FN 431059k
Commercial register court: Landesgericht Krems
Phone: +43 5 02240
VAT-Number Austria:: ATU69436808
Authority according to ECG: Bezirkshauptmannschaft Zwettl
Object of the company: Online trade - applicable regulation is the Trade Regulation Act; this can be viewed in the Federal Law Gazette.
Management: Rainer Neuwirth M.A, Kommerzialrat Christof Kastner and Mag. Herwig Gruber - Member of the Chamber of Commerce of Lower Austria; Specialist Group Online Trade. Any special professional regulations can also be found in the Federal Legal Information System (
Shareholders & participations:
60% KASTNER GroßhandelsgesmbH with registered office in Zwettl
20% Michael Schruef M.A.
20% Rainer Neuwirth M.A.
Line of business: Information and distribution of Austrian quality products
Account Information
IBAN: AT92 2027 2000 0058 6396
Our Zertificates
Our trading activity with organic products is certified by Austria Bio Garantie. Zertificate Number: 4-02056-2021
Copyright and trademark law
The contents of the websites operated by myProduct GmbH are protected by copyright. All rights, in particular the rights of duplication, distribution, editing, translation, public reproduction of texts, images and films, even in the case of partial use, are reserved by myProduct GmbH. Violation constitutes a breach of copyright and will be reported to the police.
Online dispute resolution
Dear customer: You and your trust are especially important to us! Therefore, we will not let disputes arise between us in the first place. However, if it should happen and we do not find a solution in a personal conversation, we would like to inform you that the European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS). You can find the link here: